• 317.781.7782
  • info@pawsitivepartners.com

Loretta Mueller Seminars

Pawsitive Partners will be holding Loretta Mueller seminars in June, 2024.
Working Spots $160  Auditing Spots $30

All the June Loretta Mueller seminars at Pawsitive Partners are full

Loretta’s three “C’s” of Agility Handling
Commitment: Handlers will learn to get their dog to take unwavering responsibility for taking the line the handler sets or the obstacle the handler indicates
Communication: Handlers will learn to choose the position, motion, and handling maneuver that tells the dog where to go and how to proceed
Connection: Handlers and dogs learn to pay uninterrupted attention to each other

Dogs should be able to focus and work with their handlers

Baby! Baby!
Tuesday, June 04, 2024
(Dogs over 10 months, dogs new to agility, and who can stay with their handler with other dogs and people nearby.) Dogs should be able to run short sequences, jump (barless to full height) execute tunnels and table. Practice, expand and improve the dog’s fundamental agility skills and the handler’s basic handling skills.

Got a Problem?
Tuesday, June 04, 2024
(All dogs who can focus and work with their handlers with other dogs people and activities nearby.) Loretta will work with you to solve problems, increase motivation, relieve stress and improve performance. Take home ways to deal with whatever is holding your team back.

Ready to Rock
Wednesday, June 05, 2024
(Dogs competing in or ready to compete in Novice, Open, Level 3) Perfecting, expanding and practicing your handling skills and your dog’s skills too.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024
(Dogs experienced in Masters, Excellent, Senior Championship or with a C-ATCH) Improving, perfecting, and expanding advanced handling skills. Choosing the best line, executing the most efficient and effective handling options and turning the tightest turns.

Thursday, June 06, 2024
(Dogs long experienced in Masters, Senior Championship or with a C-ATCH) Exploring, learning, expanding and practicing those skills needed to compete in Premier Standard and JWW, UKI and ISC.

We will add an additional seminar if there is enough interest. Perfecting, expanding and practicing your handling skills and your dog’s skills too. Hopefully we can meet our goal of getting everyone who wants in a seminar in a seminar.


Enrollment first received for up to 2 dogs and/or 3 seminars. Enrollments confirmed only with completed enrollment form and payment, NO REFUNDS. I will share if I have a wait list but you will be responsible for finding a replacement and receiving payment from your replacement.

Any refunds for online payments will be generated less merchant processing fees.

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