• 317.781.7782
  • info@pawsitivepartners.com

We offer classes for dogs and handlers of all ages and skill levels. Our trainers are trained and certified. All use positive motivational techniques based on animal behavioral research and best practices.

Begin with a Beginner agility class. Then advance to a Novice class. If you are already competing in agility, enroll in one of our advanced classes for dogs competing at the open or excellent level. If you prefer team sports, try a class in fly ball (a four dog team relay event).

We offer daytime Beginner II, Novice, Open and Advanced classes Wednesdays and Thursdays. There are no Beginner I daytime classes. Please feel welcome to contact us about the daytime schedule; we will be glad to answer your questions and enroll you in a class.


  • Over 6 months
  • All vaccinations
  • Vet certification as able to participate in agility. Be sure to talk with your vet to make sure your dog is physically fit for strenuous athletic activity.

Prerequisites: To start PreAgility class your dog should know all the basic skills. In addition the dog must be able to focus, pay attention to and work for the handler, not running off to visit other dogs or people. The dog should be able to do these skills off leash in a class with other dogs and people working nearby.


All of our classes meet for 8 week/classes sessions and cost $130.00 for all 8 classes.

Please refer to the class schedule to see when this class meets.

In our PreAgility classes you and your dog learn fundamental agility skills and are introduced to obstacles such as tunnels, jumps, small dog walk, low teeter, and beginning weaves. The handler also learns basic handling skills allowing him/her to guide the dog through the course.

In addition we will simulate the situation your dog will see at an agility trial, agility seminar and in future agility classes. Because the handler will need to leave his/her dog to walk courses, attend trial briefings and listen to instructor explanations, PreAgility dogs will stay in crates and learn to remain quiet.

How to enroll in the class

  • Enroll and pay online
  • Download, print and complete the enrollment form
  • Mail it to us among with a check for the class fees
  • Dogs/handlers are enrolled on a first received basis
  • Confirmations will be emailed close to the start date of the class
  • Please do not come to a class unless you have received an email or mail confirmation. Please call instead.
  • Please understand that if you decide to come to a class and have not received an email or mail confirmation, there will be a $10 late enrollment fee. Please be sure to bring this with you to the first class.

Meet the Instructors

Bonnie Disney

Stacy Nevitt

Questions? Contact us.


  •   Agility Training Center
  •   5750 Elmwood Court, Indianapolis, IN 46203
  •   Get Directions

  • 6 months and older puppies and dogs
  • All vaccinations
  • Vet certification as able to participate in agility. Be sure to talk with your vet to make sure your dog is physically fit for strenuous athletic activity.

Prerequisites: To start Beyond the Basics class your dog should know all the basic skills. In addition the dog must be able to focus, pay attention to and work for the handler, not running off to visit other dogs or people. The dog should be able to do these skills off leash in a class with other dogs and people working nearby.


All of our classes meet for 8 week/classes sessions and cost $130.00 for all 8 classes.

Please refer to the class schedule to see when this class meets.

A class for dogs and puppies – 6 months and older puppies and dogs. This class is sequential after Basic Obedience, or Puppy classes and open to dogs who already have solid basic skills learned elsewhere or at home.

In this class dogs will review, practice and expand their skills as well as learn new skills in order to be prepared to participate in a dog sport and/or become a well mannered and fun to be with companion.We will perfect old skills and teach new ones with games and exciting active activities.

We will teach platform/cato board and targeting skills used in most dogs sports or used for good manners or fun show-off tricks at home.

Crate training will also be a part of this class. This means your dog has a SAFE, secure spot to relax, recoup and hang out when you are absent or busy at trials and at home. And we will also perfect the skill of being able to just sit or down and stay quietly by your side.

A strong reliable recall taught in this class is an essential skill critical for the safety of your dog at home or competing. We will emphasize this life-saving skill.

Most dogs love to jump. We will teach and expand this skill in preparation for agility, competition obedience Rally, flyball or just for some extra fun while walking or hiking or playing in the yard.

When I think of something fun to do with my dog I always first think of fetch. Fetch is now a new AKC dog sport. In this class dogs will learn to fetch for this new dog sport or other dog sports ir just for hours of fun at home indoors or out.

In addition to these multipurpose skills we will introduce and let you try two additional dog sports, Scent/Nosework and Trieball.

Join us for some new skills and lots of fun “Beyond the Basics”.

How to enroll in the class

  • Enroll and pay online
  • Download, print and complete the enrollment form
  • Mail it to us among with a check for the class fees
  • Dogs/handlers are enrolled on a first received basis
  • Confirmations will be emailed close to the start date of the class
  • Please do not come to a class unless you have received an email or mail confirmation. Please call instead.
  • Please understand that if you decide to come to a class and have not received an email or mail confirmation, there will be a $10 late enrollment fee. Please be sure to bring this with you to the first class.

Meet the Instructors

Bonnie Disney

Stacy Nevitt

Questions? Contact us.


  •   Agility Training Center
  •   5750 Elmwood Court, Indianapolis, IN 46203
  •   Get Directions
Beginner I Agility

  • Over 6 months
  • All vaccinations
  • Vet certification as able to participate in agility. Be sure to talk with your vet to make sure your dog is physically fit for strenuous athletic activity.

The training requirements for enrollment for Beginner I classes include all of the skills learned in Pre-Agility. This class will be easier and more enjoyable if your dog will stay with you when working off leash and can work with you with distractions. We also find that dogs do better if they have already developed a working relationship with their handler. If you do not as yet have these skills, we encourage you to take our Pre-Agility class. We also suggest you begin with Pre-Agility, if you have not already trained a dog for a competitive dog sport.


All of our classes meet for 8 week/classes sessions and cost $130.00 for all 8 classes.

Enrollments for Beginner I will be accepted in a PreAgility 2 class or after an email or phone consultation (317-439-2889) has been completed.

Please refer to the class schedule to see when this class meets.

How to enroll in the class

  • Enroll and pay online
  • Download, print and complete the enrollment form
  • Mail it to us among with a check for the class fees
  • Dogs/handlers are enrolled on a first received basis
  • Confirmations will be emailed close to the start date of the class
  • Please do not come to a class unless you have received an email or mail confirmation. Please call instead.
  • Please understand that if you decide to come to a class and have not received an email or mail confirmation, there will be a $10 late enrollment fee. Please be sure to bring this with you to the first class.

Meet the Instructors

David  Yaste

Mandy Kleiman

Questions? Contact us.


  •   Agility Training Center
  •   5750 Elmwood Court, Indianapolis, IN 46203
  •   Get Directions
Beginner II Agility

  • Dog is confident and competent on dog walk, A-frame, tunnels and jumps.
  • Dog has been introduced to teeter and weave poles

You and your dog will continue to develop basic agility skills. Dogs will expand their speed and skills on contact obstacles, tunnels, weaves and jumps. Dogs will learn to negotiate a sequence of 10 – 15 jumps/obstacles.


All of our classes meet for 8 week/classes sessions and cost $130.00 for all 8 classes.

Please refer to the class schedule to see when this class meets.

How to enroll in the class

  • Enroll and pay online
  • Download, print and complete the enrollment form
  • Mail it to us among with a check for the class fees
  • Dogs/handlers are enrolled on a first received basis
  • Confirmations will be emailed close to the start date of the class
  • Please do not come to a class unless you have received an email or mail confirmation. Please call instead.
  • Please understand that if you decide to come to a class and have not received an email or mail confirmation, there will be a $10 late enrollment fee. Please be sure to bring this with you to the first class.

Meet the Instructors

Sheila Kitchens

Mandy Kleiman

Stacy  Nevitt

Questions? Contact us.


  •   Agility Training Center
  •   5750 Elmwood Court, Indianapolis, IN 46203
  •   Get Directions




Prerequisites: To start Novice/Open class your dog should…


All of our classes meet for 8 week/classes sessions and cost $130.00 for all 8 classes.

Please refer to the class schedule to see when this class meets.

How to enroll in the class

  • Enroll and pay online
  • Download, print and complete the enrollment form
  • Mail it to us among with a check for the class fees
  • Dogs/handlers are enrolled on a first received basis
  • Confirmations will be emailed close to the start date of the class
  • Please do not come to a class unless you have received an email or mail confirmation. Please call instead.
  • Please understand that if you decide to come to a class and have not received an email or mail confirmation, there will be a $10 late enrollment fee. Please be sure to bring this with you to the first class.

Meet the Instructors

Deb Abbott

Sheila Kitchens

Ali Warner

Bonnie Disney

David Yaste

Mandy Kleiman

Jane Glier

Questions? Contact us.



  Agility Training Center
  5750 Elmwood Court, Indianapolis, IN 46203
  Get Directions

Advanced Agility

Dogs must be competing at the excellent/masters/elite/level 5 level or have the skills to complete at these levels.

Dogs and handlers will perfect and expand their speed and skills shaving seconds off time, choosing the most effective handling maneuvers and line.


All of our classes meet for 8 week/classes sessions and cost $130.00 for all 8 classes.

Please refer to the class schedule to see when this class meets.

How to enroll in the class

  • Enroll and pay online
  • Download, print and complete the enrollment form
  • Mail it to us among with a check for the class fees
  • Or bring the enrollment form and check to 575 Main Street, Beech Grove. If no one is there, drop your envelope in the mail slot on your right just inside the door underneath the window.
  • Dogs/handlers are enrolled on a first received basis
  • Confirmations will be emailed close to the start date of the class

Meet the Instructors

Stacy  Nevitt

Bonnie  Disney

Sheila Kitchens

Deb Abbott

Jane  Glier


Questions? Contact us.


  •   Agility Training Center
  •   5750 Elmwood Court, Indianapolis, IN 46203
  •   Get Directions
Intro to Dog Sports

Want to do something fun with your dog and just not sure what? Want to start a dog sport but do not yet have the prerequisite skills? Try our Intro to Dog Sports class.

Intro to Dog Sports

Prerequisites: Good understanding of and the ability to perform all the basics (sit, down, stay, walk on a loose leash, come, etc.) Try our Fundamental Obedience class if you need to work on these skills.
Ability to pay attention to, stay and work with their handler in a dog class. If not, we would again recommend our Fundamental Obedience class.
Ability to stay and be comfortable in a crate. You will need a crate for this class – a crate you can carry and set up in the classroom by yourself. Contact us if you need help finding one. We will also help your dog settle and relax in his/her crate in a classroom situation.
Be ready to bring a mat, disc, low platform, etc. – something large enough for your dog to stand on.
If you have a reactive dog, we suggest you work to control this issue, before starting a dog sport. Unfortunately this class is not designed to help with reactivity. However, we can help through private lessons.

In this class you and your dog will practice your basic skills with distractions that occur with dog sports, learn prerequisite skills for starting any dog sports, begin to condition the dogs body for dog sports and experience each of the dog sports we offer classes for. We also ask you to keep your dog in his/her crate when the dog is not working just as in a dog sports competition.

In addition you will learn about each sport, competition venues, a few rules and regulations and how to get started in the sport you want to try. We offer classes in Competition Obedience, Rally Obedience, Flyball, Treiball, Scent/Nosework and Agility. After this class you should be ready to start the dog sport you choose.


All of our classes meet for 8 week/classes sessions and cost $130.00 for all 8 classes.

Please refer to the class schedule to see when this class meets.

How to enroll in the class

  • Enroll and pay online
  • Download, print and complete the enrollment form
  • Mail it to us among with a check for the class fees
  • Or bring the enrollment form and check to 575 Main Street, Beech Grove. If no one is there, drop your envelope in the mail slot on your right just inside the door underneath the window.
  • Dogs/handlers are enrolled on a first received basis
  • Confirmations will be emailed close to the start date of the class
  • Please do not come to a class unless you have received an email or mail confirmation. Please call instead.
  • Please understand that if you decide to come to a class and have not received an email or mail confirmation, there will be a $10 late enrollment fee. Please be sure to bring this with you to the first class.

Meet the Instructor

Marianna Keohane

Questions? Contact us.


  • Obedience Training Center
  • 575 Main Street, Beech Grove, IN 46107
  • Get Directions

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